
automating services

4 Simple Python Ideas to Automate Your Workflow

Automation. It’s supposed to remove work. So, why not help it along? Truth be told, automating even simple tasks robustly takes time and a lot of dependency management which can become very complex. Nevertheless, it can be very rewarding to automate some simple tasks. Even if it was more for fun. For those that are Python fans…
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August 9, 2019 0
data system design consulting

Passing The System Design Interview For Software Engineers

If you haven’t gone through a technical interview, then you might not know what a system design interview round is like. A system design interview round will often only involve one or two big questions in which the interviewer will ask you to design a system or app that usually already exists. These rounds are…
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July 10, 2019 0

How to Land Your First Consulting Client as a Data Scientist or Data Engineer

Getting your first client as a data science consultant is just like trying to get your first job with no experience. It feels borderline impossible and barely anyone will consider your services. Everyone wants experienced consultants with references, project examples, and case studies. But how are you supposed to get references and project examples without first working…
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July 6, 2019 0

What Is A Data Scientist

Data science, is it about designing models and creating cool visualizations with D3? Not really. At least, it’s not your Goal. But don’t take our word for it. We recently found a great channel on youtube created by a Youtuber named Joma. Joma’s full name isJonathan Ma and he has worked at several big tech…
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April 18, 2019 0

Learning Data Science: Our Favorite Data Science Books

Originally Posted Here Whether you are just breaking into data science, or you are looking to improve your data science skills. Books are one great method to get a base level understanding of specific topics. Now, we personally believe nothing beats experience, but in lieu of that, taking a course or reading a book is a…
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April 18, 2019 0

Automating File Loading Into SQL Server With Python And SQL

by Ben Rogojan Loading files into databases are not exactly exciting work. It can be tedious and boring work. Often times it is constrained by tools like SSIS that freak out when a small change is made. This is one of the core roles of BI and data engineering teams. They need to load files from…
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March 24, 2019 0

The Advantages Healthcare Providers Have In Healthcare Analytics

By Benjamin Rogojan Healthcare analytics is a multibillion-dollar industry. Having the ability to predict patient readmission, fraud, logistical needs, provider quality and so on provides healthcare providers with opportunities for cost savings and increased efficiency. Even being able to answer simple questions in healthcare with data can provide massive ROI. Our team has seen companies…
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November 12, 2018 0

How Men’s Wearhouse Could Use Data Science Cont.

After writing the brief piece about How Men’s Wearhouse Could Use Data Science. My team and I continued discussing how we would approach the problem of recommending products to customers for Men’s Wearhouse. We believe that if Men’s Wearhouse could move their in-store customer experience and fashion knowledge(which is great) online, then they would grow from…
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May 27, 2018 0

ARIMA Forecasting Vocabulary

*Stationary, Auto-correlation, Differencing Accurately forecasting costs, sales, user growth, patient readmission, etc is an important step to providing directors actionable information. This can be difficult to model by hand or in Excel. In addition, using traditional methods like moving averages might not provide enough insight into the various trends and seasonality that occur in real…
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May 8, 2018 0

Back Of A Napkin Examples Of Data Science Projects

A common question among directors, managers and the C-suite is what are some examples of business cases using data science. Data science  is a tool that can be used to help reduce costs, find new markets and make better decisions. However, without examples of how to use data science it can be hard to see…
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January 13, 2018 0