Category: data engineering

what is apache airflow

What Is Apache Airflow

  Apache Airflow is an extremely popular tool that data engineers rely on. But why? Why do data engineers like Airflow? Also, what does the Apache Airflow event do? In this article, we will answer questions like: What is Airflow? What is a DAG? Why do people use Apache Airflow? Why do we like Airflow?…
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February 12, 2023 0
data engineering vs software

Do You Need A Data Warehouse – A Quick Guide

Photo by Fotis Fotopoulos on Unsplash Recently several consulting calls started with people asking, “Do we need a data warehouse?” This isn’t a question about whether you need data warehouse consultants, but instead whether you should event start a data warehouse project. Which is a very fair question. Not every company needs a data warehouse.…
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February 2, 2023 0
data engineering consulting

Why You Should Simplify Your Data Infrastructure

Good Design Is Easier to Change Than Bad Design – The Pragmatic Programmer Programming is just one aspect of the difficulties of tech work for data engineers. Creating simple yet robust systems that help manage your data infrastructure is equally important. This challenge of building a simple yet robust data infrastructure remains even with no-code/low-code solutions. Just…
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January 20, 2023 0
data engineering scaling hiring

Improving Your Data Analytics Infrastructure In 2023 – Part 1

Data has been consistently demonstrated to be a valuable asset for businesses of all sizes. Consulting firms, like McKinsey, have found that companies using AI and analytics attribute 20% of their earnings to it. As a consultant, I have personally witnessed how data can uncover new sources of revenue and cost reduction opportunities for clients…
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January 9, 2023 0
data engineering consulting

Should We Get Rid Of ETLs?

AWS has jumped on the bandwagon of removing the need for ETLs. Snowflake announced this both with their hybrid tables and their partnership with Salesforce. Now, I do take a little issue with the naming “Zero ETLs”. Because at the very surface the functionality described is often closer to a zero integration future, which probably…
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December 30, 2022 0
data security consulting

Security And Privacy In The Modern Data World

If you’ve worked as a DBA or data engineer, then you’ve likely had to deal with data access requests. These basic data requests can go from quick requests to endless data access requests that bog down entire data teams. This has been heavily driven by the fact that companies want to be data-driven. Meaning an…
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October 29, 2022 0
data catalog landscape

26 Data Catalogs – From Open Source To Managed

It can be easy to take certain tools for granted when you work for companies with mature infrastructure. One of my favorite tools at Facebook was iData. iData was Facebook’s data discoverability tool. It provided a lot of functionality that I have started to miss. This included the baseline functions you would expect including the…
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August 22, 2022 0
databricks consulting

What Is Databricks?

Databricks is a company that aims to make managing big data easy. By utilizing Apache Spark as its core processing engine, Databricks aims to make managing and processing big data easy. As one of the leading providers of big data solutions, Databricks has made a name for itself in the industry. What is Databricks? So,…
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July 9, 2022 0
analytics engineering consulting

5 Alternatives To Fivetran

Photo by Victoriano Izquierdo on Unsplash Companies that are serious about using raw data for business intelligence need some way to centralize and control that data. Many of them are using specialized vendor products to do so. Fivetran is one choice for getting all of that data wherever it resides and centralizing it in an…
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April 20, 2022 0
data engineering roadmap

Data Engineering Roadmap For 2021 – 12 Steps To Help You Go From 0 To Data Engineering

Maybe it’s the 6 figure salaries, the opportunity to work with cool technology or people are finally learning that data engineering is where everything starts in the data field. Whatever the reason, people are noticing. VCs are investing in data storage and ingestion platforms and companies are interviewing more data engineers compared to previous years. But how…
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July 9, 2021 1