Our background and experience revolves heavily around data engineering, solutions integrations, data modeling, analytics, machine learning and data science. We have done everything from lead executive level meetings to discuss how to integrate machine learning and data science teams successfully to develop robust data science suites in python and R that help automate a good portion of the data science process.
Paired with our understanding of data modeling, we have been able to successfully impact the companies we have been involved with. This is everything from the companies we work for and consultant with. Many times, we have people from prior jobs reach out as they gain new positions or jump on new projects to have us design or lead new projects.

Ben RogojanĀ
Ben has spent his career focused on helping companies develop end-to-end data solutions that are simple and maintainable. He has worked in various industries and companies including companies like Facebook as a data engineer. Using his broad experiences he has helped companies develop, improve modernize and migrate their data infrastructure. He has helped migrate companies off old ETL systems, find the right solutions such as Astronomer and Fivetran and improve companies data performance. Whether your company is a Saas or Casino, Ben can help.